Ride and drives. Few white hairs on forehead. Checked in foal to Ridgeline's Samson 3578-S. Out of Star's Cassandra 3564-M by Siwella Ranger 3198-S.
Photo is Wind 'N Hills Lassie and Garrettland's Esther.
Rides and drives checked in foal to Ridgeline's Samson 3578-S for 2025.
Large snip on nose. Out of Garrettland's Pansy 3508-M by Orchard Hill Red Ernest 3209-S
photo is Wind 'n Hills Lassie and Garettland's Esther
This mare works in harness on all equipment and is kid trained. A nice dark liver with a small star. Out of Red Rock Maude 3549-M by Siwella Ranger 3198-S