AGM Sept 21, 2024, some of the highlights

The election results for the Board of Directors: details will be in the October Punchline. Returning to the board are Christa McKee and Ken Spann.

Thank you to all of the candidates.

Foal drawing winner is Thomas Schaffer of Fallen Timber Farm, Stoneboro, PA. Ticket 1426  Update: Thomas has decided to take the Cash option.

Bill Skog Award recipients for 2024: Samuel J. and Barbara Yoder, Oakland, MD prefix: Garrettland's

John S. Hammond, Cornish NH prefix: Cornish

Don and Chris Gunderson: Rochester AB, Canada prefix: Gunderson's.

Congratulations to all!


  • Hits: 364

North American Suffolk Horse Association
Zelda Gagliardi , Secretary
4170 NE 43rd AVE
High Springs FL 32643-5678

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Office Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday 9am-5pm Central

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Phone: (386) 965-2758.